If you have lost your job recently, you may be looking for some type of work you can do from home. The idea of saving money by not commuting and by not needing to wear profesional attire every day is very attractive.
The type of home based job you are most likely to find is either as a telephone customer service rep or doing some type of virtual assistant work.
Many businesses are discovering the hard way that their customers prefer dealing with representatives in their own country, rather than half way around the world. Unfortunately no matter how nice those people are or how hard they try to please, there is a language accent barrier that is almost impossible to overcome. Therefore many companies are hiring local customer service reps to meet their customers' needs. You can find a well-maintained and always updated selection when you sign up with Ignotius.
Virtual Assistants do everything an office manager or "Gal Friday" might do, but usually only for one person. When you find the right match - your skills and their needs - the arrangement can last for years. Virtual Assistant Positions can be found through Ignotius, LegitOnlineJobs, or Virtual Training Solutions.
For more information on becoming a Virtual Assistant, I recommend the BizyMoms Virtual Assistant Home Business Kit. As a bonus take advantage of their Holiday Special! Buy ANY Premium kit get the 2nd FREE (equal or lesser value)Purchase a Premium kit for yourself and give one as a gift- Or get them both for yourself! Not sure of which FREE kit you want? Get a Gift Certificate and decide later!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Stock Assault 2.0
I'm not a stock market junkie, but I do know that a lot of what is traded world-wide is done by computer. For each stock you are trading, a computer is programed to buy it when it reaches a certain price and sell it when it reaches a certain price. The "trick" is knowing when to do what.
This Stock Assault 2.0 software is so affordable it appears to put that high tech trading ability into the hands of darn near everybody. They call it Artificial Intelligence, and I find it very intriguing. You just let the software do it's thing and you do what it tells you to do! Even I could do that!
Check it out!

This Stock Assault 2.0 software is so affordable it appears to put that high tech trading ability into the hands of darn near everybody. They call it Artificial Intelligence, and I find it very intriguing. You just let the software do it's thing and you do what it tells you to do! Even I could do that!
Check it out!

Friday, August 22, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: One Month Affiliate
Many of the people quietly making a very nice living on the internet do so with Affiliate Marketing. By that I mean they sell someone else's product(s) and receive a commission for each one they sell. It is a win-win deal because the product developer sells far more than he or she could have alone, and both the developer and the affiliate make money.
I confess to being a bit "old school" in that I am not a big fan of internet videos. I like to read. I immediately click away from sites that start talking to me (over my radio that I listen to online) and can count on the fingers of one hand (with fingers left over) the number of times I have visited YouTube.
Nevertheless, I am intrigued by this new product One Month Affiliate. His story has a ring of truth to it - be sure to follow the link and check it out.
There are many many Affiliate Marketing courses online, some of them better than others. This one is different because it is entirely video from start to finish. Alex comes across as a very capable young man who has created a very good product. It comes with a money-back guarantee so if you learn well from videos and think this might finally be the product that will get you on your way to finally making money online, check out One Month Affiliate now!
I confess to being a bit "old school" in that I am not a big fan of internet videos. I like to read. I immediately click away from sites that start talking to me (over my radio that I listen to online) and can count on the fingers of one hand (with fingers left over) the number of times I have visited YouTube.
Nevertheless, I am intrigued by this new product One Month Affiliate. His story has a ring of truth to it - be sure to follow the link and check it out.
There are many many Affiliate Marketing courses online, some of them better than others. This one is different because it is entirely video from start to finish. Alex comes across as a very capable young man who has created a very good product. It comes with a money-back guarantee so if you learn well from videos and think this might finally be the product that will get you on your way to finally making money online, check out One Month Affiliate now!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
How To Choose A Successful Home Business
It may seem obvious and overly simplistic, but knowing your likes and dislikes can help stear you into a home based business that is perfect for you. Think about what you enjoy. Gardening? Baking? Cars? Antiques? History? Travel? Fishing? Sports?
Also it is important to know what your abilities are and maybe even more important what they are not. For instance, if you are a stickler for details and obsess over grammar, you might want to become a virtual assistant and proofread for someone who writes about a topic (such as one of the above) in which you also have an interest. However, no matter how interested you are in a topic and no matter how much you know about it, if you can't spell words right yourself, that would not be the business for you.
I know someone who could work as a Graphic Artist from home or anywhere else. Personally I could NOT work as a graphic artist anywhere. My friend is artistic. I am not.
For a great selection of tested home business career ideas, click on the banner below!

Also it is important to know what your abilities are and maybe even more important what they are not. For instance, if you are a stickler for details and obsess over grammar, you might want to become a virtual assistant and proofread for someone who writes about a topic (such as one of the above) in which you also have an interest. However, no matter how interested you are in a topic and no matter how much you know about it, if you can't spell words right yourself, that would not be the business for you.
I know someone who could work as a Graphic Artist from home or anywhere else. Personally I could NOT work as a graphic artist anywhere. My friend is artistic. I am not.
For a great selection of tested home business career ideas, click on the banner below!

Saturday, August 9, 2008
How To Start A Successful Home Business
If you want to start a successful business, either home based or brick and mortar, do *not* look for a product or service you think will sell, and then try to convince everybody how wonderful it is. It may truly be wonderful, and may be your fascinating passion, but do other people think they need it or want it? Would they be willing to pay for the information or the product?
Are you sure?
If you want to start a successful business, either home based or brick and mortar, look for a perceived or real need, or a want, and fill it.
People are always looking for new recipes, new ways to lose weight, new ways to make life easier, new ways to have fun, etc. Don't just look around - actually SEE what you are looking at! You should see needs - both perceived and real - absolutely everywhere. Better yet, there are wants associated with those needs.
Watch your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends. Do you see them frustrated or struggling with something? Something that you can do better than they can? Something they might be willing to not only pay for but recommend you to others?
For nearly every business idea you might think of, someone else is likely already offering some sort of similar service. In order for you to get your fair share of the market, you MUST do a better job, with complete, clean, friendly, on time service with a smile because that is what people WANT.
If you decide to make a product, do a quality job and deliver on time with a smile and maybe even something extra to thank them for their business.

Are you sure?
If you want to start a successful business, either home based or brick and mortar, look for a perceived or real need, or a want, and fill it.
People are always looking for new recipes, new ways to lose weight, new ways to make life easier, new ways to have fun, etc. Don't just look around - actually SEE what you are looking at! You should see needs - both perceived and real - absolutely everywhere. Better yet, there are wants associated with those needs.
Watch your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends. Do you see them frustrated or struggling with something? Something that you can do better than they can? Something they might be willing to not only pay for but recommend you to others?
For nearly every business idea you might think of, someone else is likely already offering some sort of similar service. In order for you to get your fair share of the market, you MUST do a better job, with complete, clean, friendly, on time service with a smile because that is what people WANT.
If you decide to make a product, do a quality job and deliver on time with a smile and maybe even something extra to thank them for their business.

Saturday, July 19, 2008
Planning For Your Successful Home Based Business
Plan for your home based business to be successful, and fully expect your home based business to be successful, but don’t expect it immediately. Depending on what type of business you are starting, success may take months or even a few years. As has been said, "Don’t quit your day job" until you can support yourself reliably with your home business.
To put this another way, assume your new home business will be a successful one, and then make plans to assure that success. As has been said, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Yikes! Don't let that happen to you!
The United States Small Business Administration has many resources available to you for absolutely free to get your home business off to a good start. In fact there are pages and pages and pages of valuable, essential information to help you formulate your business plans.
One of the greatest advantages of a home based business over a brick and mortar business is the cost of overhead. In a traditional brick and mortar business, you either buy or rent space, and then add utilities, insurance, furniture, inventory, and whatever else. That cost alone has done in more than one small business. When you work out of your home, you have none of those expenses above and beyond what you are paying in your home, anyway. There will be a financial investment that you will have to make, but it pales in comparison to starting a traditional brick and mortar business. Financial success may take months or even years, depending on what type of business you are starting. Being aware of that and planning on it not only will enable you to "ride it out" but will help you avoid discouragement.
In addition to financial planning, you need to plan what you will actually do on a typical day. If you are starting an internet business, will you write? Will you network? Will you research? Will you maintain your website?
If you are starting a home business dealing with either a product or a service, plan how to attract and even more importantly keep customers. Plan your advertising strategy.
Refer often to that SBA website. It will help you get your business off to a great start!

To put this another way, assume your new home business will be a successful one, and then make plans to assure that success. As has been said, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."
Yikes! Don't let that happen to you!
The United States Small Business Administration has many resources available to you for absolutely free to get your home business off to a good start. In fact there are pages and pages and pages of valuable, essential information to help you formulate your business plans.
One of the greatest advantages of a home based business over a brick and mortar business is the cost of overhead. In a traditional brick and mortar business, you either buy or rent space, and then add utilities, insurance, furniture, inventory, and whatever else. That cost alone has done in more than one small business. When you work out of your home, you have none of those expenses above and beyond what you are paying in your home, anyway. There will be a financial investment that you will have to make, but it pales in comparison to starting a traditional brick and mortar business. Financial success may take months or even years, depending on what type of business you are starting. Being aware of that and planning on it not only will enable you to "ride it out" but will help you avoid discouragement.
In addition to financial planning, you need to plan what you will actually do on a typical day. If you are starting an internet business, will you write? Will you network? Will you research? Will you maintain your website?
If you are starting a home business dealing with either a product or a service, plan how to attract and even more importantly keep customers. Plan your advertising strategy.
Refer often to that SBA website. It will help you get your business off to a great start!

Work Is A Four Letter Word
Any business, home based or brick and mortar, is a lot of work. Be prepared, at least at first, to work longer and harder in your home based business than you do in your job. Once your home business is established, you will be able set the hours you choose to work. Often, you can choose the location as well. While the beach on a south sea isle may be a bit far fetched, you are not limited to your office. Take your laptop and go somewhere enjoyable.
However, remember that the only place "success" comes before "work" is in the dictionary. As I wander around the internet reading the testimonies of the very successful, one thing has really stood out. They virtually never work less than a 40 hour week. Often it is more like 50-60 hours per week.
So why is this better than your current 40 hour week at your drudgery job? Because these people are doing what they love to do. They are their own boss. They do things their own way. They are free to go pick up a sick kid from school as necessary. They are free to meet an out-of-town friend or relative for lunch and not have to rush back to work. They can take the afternoon off to smell the roses.
Sometimes of deceptive sales landing pages you read of someone claiming that a typical day for them goes something like, "Ho-hum, wake up when I feel like it, drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper and checking how my stocks did, answer a few e-mails, spend a few minutes writing this or that, and I'm done for the day." Don't believe it. Either this person is lying, or isn't as successful as they would like you to think.
No matter what business you have, if your don't invest yourself in it, you won't get anything out if it.

However, remember that the only place "success" comes before "work" is in the dictionary. As I wander around the internet reading the testimonies of the very successful, one thing has really stood out. They virtually never work less than a 40 hour week. Often it is more like 50-60 hours per week.
So why is this better than your current 40 hour week at your drudgery job? Because these people are doing what they love to do. They are their own boss. They do things their own way. They are free to go pick up a sick kid from school as necessary. They are free to meet an out-of-town friend or relative for lunch and not have to rush back to work. They can take the afternoon off to smell the roses.
Sometimes of deceptive sales landing pages you read of someone claiming that a typical day for them goes something like, "Ho-hum, wake up when I feel like it, drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper and checking how my stocks did, answer a few e-mails, spend a few minutes writing this or that, and I'm done for the day." Don't believe it. Either this person is lying, or isn't as successful as they would like you to think.
No matter what business you have, if your don't invest yourself in it, you won't get anything out if it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: SFI - Part 4
Somewhere between 45-50 MILLION people do not have health coverage in the USA.
Some of them, often referred to as the "working poor" cannot get health insurance through their employers because it isn't offered. Many "mom and pop" and other small businesses cannot afford to offer health insurance and still stay in business. These employees make too much money to qualify for public assistance, but do not make enough money to buy their own health insurance, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month. One site I looked at showed a national average monthly cost per family of nearly $500! While some states were less, one state was over 3 times that much!
So they pray a lot that no one gets sick or injured.
Other people have been turned down by health insurance companies because of "pre-existing conditions" which can be just about anything that is ongoing (diabetes, blood pressure, etc) or anything for which the person has received recent treatment, including pregnancy.
So why am I bringing this up in a discussion about SFI? SFI now offers membership in the International Association of Businesses (IAB) which offers health care benefits and medical discounts.
EVERYONE is accepted. There are no physicals to take and there is no qualifying.
You CANNOT be turned down or rejected.
Better than that, the cost starts at only $83.90 per month for the entire family, no matter how many members, no matter how old, no matter the health.
Upgrades are available, but the cost of the highest upgrade is still w-a-y less than the cost cited above and includes many benefits besides medical.
Now you do need to understand a few things.
1.This plan is not a health insurance policy.
2.This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services.
3.This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.
4.As a plan member, you are obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted, directly or indirectly, with IAB.
So if you cannot afford, or cannot even get health benefits, I strongly recommend that you sign up with SFI (free) and then join the IAB.
You don't have to join SFI to join IAB, but why wouldn't you? If you are part of that 45-50 million people who don't have insurance, chances are you know others who don't have it either. Share your knowledge with them. Sign them up through your link and it becomes one of those wonderful win-win situations. You help someone out and make some money in the process.
It doesn't get much better than that!
Click Here For More Information!
Some of them, often referred to as the "working poor" cannot get health insurance through their employers because it isn't offered. Many "mom and pop" and other small businesses cannot afford to offer health insurance and still stay in business. These employees make too much money to qualify for public assistance, but do not make enough money to buy their own health insurance, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month. One site I looked at showed a national average monthly cost per family of nearly $500! While some states were less, one state was over 3 times that much!
So they pray a lot that no one gets sick or injured.
Other people have been turned down by health insurance companies because of "pre-existing conditions" which can be just about anything that is ongoing (diabetes, blood pressure, etc) or anything for which the person has received recent treatment, including pregnancy.
So why am I bringing this up in a discussion about SFI? SFI now offers membership in the International Association of Businesses (IAB) which offers health care benefits and medical discounts.
EVERYONE is accepted. There are no physicals to take and there is no qualifying.
You CANNOT be turned down or rejected.
Better than that, the cost starts at only $83.90 per month for the entire family, no matter how many members, no matter how old, no matter the health.
Upgrades are available, but the cost of the highest upgrade is still w-a-y less than the cost cited above and includes many benefits besides medical.
Now you do need to understand a few things.
1.This plan is not a health insurance policy.
2.This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services.
3.This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.
4.As a plan member, you are obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted, directly or indirectly, with IAB.
So if you cannot afford, or cannot even get health benefits, I strongly recommend that you sign up with SFI (free) and then join the IAB.
You don't have to join SFI to join IAB, but why wouldn't you? If you are part of that 45-50 million people who don't have insurance, chances are you know others who don't have it either. Share your knowledge with them. Sign them up through your link and it becomes one of those wonderful win-win situations. You help someone out and make some money in the process.
It doesn't get much better than that!
Click Here For More Information!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Home-Biz-Help Bizopp Review: Medical Billing
With more and more people looking to work from home or start a home based business, the topic of medical billing comes up frequently.
Search engines have literally millions of choices for schools or jobs, and warnings about the schools and jobs the other sites are offering. Proceed with caution.
This is not a job or bizopp suitable for on-the-job training. If you are going to start a medical billing business from your home, you have to know what you are doing. You must be a stickler for details and obsess over accuracy. You cannot be prone to mistakes, because you are dealing with people's medical records. You must also have an appreciation for the need for privacy.
The person most suited to start this home business will have had the necessary schooling, and some experience working in an office doing the same kind of work. This person will be comfortable with medical terminology including anatomy, will know the proper codes for insurance company forms, and will know how to fill out the forms.
This person must also be a people person because they will be dealing with patients, doctors and insurance personnel.
Doctors in clinics and large practices usually have staff who take care of their medical billing, or else they use a professional firm. So whose business would you seek out? Look for small practices - one doctor offices. Look for chiropractors or optometrists or alternative medical practitioners. Present your credentials, let them know the experience you have, and that you are starting a home business because - insert your own personal reason here.
Stress the personalized service they will receive. You most likely won't be swamped with business right away, but it will come.
I know of someone with experience in the field who had to go out on her own because the company she had been with went out of business. She now has four doctors as clients and may soon pick up more. It can be done!
If you have the knowledge but would like to pick up experience, click on the image below. there you will find hundreds of jobs in the medical billing field as well as many others.
Search engines have literally millions of choices for schools or jobs, and warnings about the schools and jobs the other sites are offering. Proceed with caution.
This is not a job or bizopp suitable for on-the-job training. If you are going to start a medical billing business from your home, you have to know what you are doing. You must be a stickler for details and obsess over accuracy. You cannot be prone to mistakes, because you are dealing with people's medical records. You must also have an appreciation for the need for privacy.
The person most suited to start this home business will have had the necessary schooling, and some experience working in an office doing the same kind of work. This person will be comfortable with medical terminology including anatomy, will know the proper codes for insurance company forms, and will know how to fill out the forms.
This person must also be a people person because they will be dealing with patients, doctors and insurance personnel.
Doctors in clinics and large practices usually have staff who take care of their medical billing, or else they use a professional firm. So whose business would you seek out? Look for small practices - one doctor offices. Look for chiropractors or optometrists or alternative medical practitioners. Present your credentials, let them know the experience you have, and that you are starting a home business because - insert your own personal reason here.
Stress the personalized service they will receive. You most likely won't be swamped with business right away, but it will come.
I know of someone with experience in the field who had to go out on her own because the company she had been with went out of business. She now has four doctors as clients and may soon pick up more. It can be done!
If you have the knowledge but would like to pick up experience, click on the image below. there you will find hundreds of jobs in the medical billing field as well as many others.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: SFI - Part 3 - Personal Care Products

One of the great products featured by SFI is their Veriuni Hair and Body Shampoo. It is gentle for all skin types and is safe for permed and damaged hair. It is non-toxic and contains only biodegradable ingredients.
As important as what is in it is what is NOT in it.
All ingredients are biodegradable or break down into harmless natural elements.
Biodegrades without forming micro-toxins.
Contains no hazardous ingredients as per OSHA regulations.
Contains no Petroleum Distillates, EDTA, NTA, Ammonia, Benzene, Grain Proteins, Enzymes or Formaldehyde.
Free of all known or suspected carcinogens.
Gray water and septic tank safe.
Biodegradable without effluent treatment processes.
In my lifetime of watching people, I have seen many switch from cheap chemical laden products available everywhere to more healthy products which may cost more to use but save your health in the long run. I don't ever remember seeing anyone switch from healthy stuff to cheap stuff. Once people realize what a lifetime of accumulating chemicals in their systems can do, they don't ever want to go back.
THEREFORE, your market for such a product as Veriuni Hair and Body Shampoo is only going to grow, as more and more people switch to using healthy products.
Use it yourself. Give it as a gift to someone with a new baby. If you know anyone with dry or sensitive skin, introduce them to this wonderful product. You'll have lots of customers in no time!
As important as what is in it is what is NOT in it.
All ingredients are biodegradable or break down into harmless natural elements.
Biodegrades without forming micro-toxins.
Contains no hazardous ingredients as per OSHA regulations.
Contains no Petroleum Distillates, EDTA, NTA, Ammonia, Benzene, Grain Proteins, Enzymes or Formaldehyde.
Free of all known or suspected carcinogens.
Gray water and septic tank safe.
Biodegradable without effluent treatment processes.
In my lifetime of watching people, I have seen many switch from cheap chemical laden products available everywhere to more healthy products which may cost more to use but save your health in the long run. I don't ever remember seeing anyone switch from healthy stuff to cheap stuff. Once people realize what a lifetime of accumulating chemicals in their systems can do, they don't ever want to go back.
THEREFORE, your market for such a product as Veriuni Hair and Body Shampoo is only going to grow, as more and more people switch to using healthy products.
Use it yourself. Give it as a gift to someone with a new baby. If you know anyone with dry or sensitive skin, introduce them to this wonderful product. You'll have lots of customers in no time!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Autosurf For HYIP
HYIP is an acronym for High Yield Investment Program. They are essentially pyramid schemes where it is possible for the first few in to make a lot of money, but that is always at the expense of everyone else involved. Highly unethical IMO, but some people don't seem to care.
The autosurf part comes in because some programs claim that you are getting advertising for your website for your "entry fee." Everybody supposedly pays to get into the program and then supposedly looks at each other's sites, so you are advertising to each other. See my post below about how that works. Or doesn't.
Anyway, unless you are in at the very beginning - and that could mean within hours of launch - you are guaranteed to lose money. If you do make money, it is only ONLY ONLY because somebody else lost money.
Again JMO, but what kind of a sad sorry sucker thinks any part of that is OK.
For genuine work at home opportunities click on the banner below.
The autosurf part comes in because some programs claim that you are getting advertising for your website for your "entry fee." Everybody supposedly pays to get into the program and then supposedly looks at each other's sites, so you are advertising to each other. See my post below about how that works. Or doesn't.
Anyway, unless you are in at the very beginning - and that could mean within hours of launch - you are guaranteed to lose money. If you do make money, it is only ONLY ONLY because somebody else lost money.
Again JMO, but what kind of a sad sorry sucker thinks any part of that is OK.
For genuine work at home opportunities click on the banner below.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Autosurf For Traffic
There are two types of autosurf programs, and I don't recommend either one of them. This post is about Autosurf For Traffic programs. The next post will be about Autosurf HYIP programs
Autosurf For Traffic is where a bunch of webmasters join a program and they look at each other's web sites. The goal is to increase traffic and as people pass (surf) by they will see something they like and buy it, or at least sign up for the free newsletter. Often the page changes every few seconds automatically, hence the name "autosurf."
The reality is that almost nobody pays attention to the pages as they pass by. People do other computer work, read the newspaper, do crossword puzzles, study, even leave the room! The few programs that require a manual page change merely mean the surfer interrupts whatever he is doing every 20-30 seconds to click his mouse and then resumes whatever he was doing.
The best I can say for this type of program is, *IF* you pay attention to the sites as they pass by, you *might* see something interesting, and you *might* get an idea of just what is out there on the internet. You might also realize just how many people have this or that cookie cutter website, all of them competing for the same traffic, and how small your chances of making any money would be with that already over saturated market.
So if you hope to increase your business with Autosurf For Traffic programs, you are pretty much wasting your time. Worse, these programs violate Google's TOS, so if you have AdSense on your site, Google will cancel your account and keep any money you may have earned from "real" traffic.
Why would you want to do this?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A much better investment of your time and efforts would be to get 30 days of One-on-One Internet Marketing Advice for just $3.27! That's not a typo! You can get a full MONTH of expert website consulting for the price of a cup of coffee!
To learn more CLICK HERE!
Autosurf For Traffic is where a bunch of webmasters join a program and they look at each other's web sites. The goal is to increase traffic and as people pass (surf) by they will see something they like and buy it, or at least sign up for the free newsletter. Often the page changes every few seconds automatically, hence the name "autosurf."
The reality is that almost nobody pays attention to the pages as they pass by. People do other computer work, read the newspaper, do crossword puzzles, study, even leave the room! The few programs that require a manual page change merely mean the surfer interrupts whatever he is doing every 20-30 seconds to click his mouse and then resumes whatever he was doing.
The best I can say for this type of program is, *IF* you pay attention to the sites as they pass by, you *might* see something interesting, and you *might* get an idea of just what is out there on the internet. You might also realize just how many people have this or that cookie cutter website, all of them competing for the same traffic, and how small your chances of making any money would be with that already over saturated market.
So if you hope to increase your business with Autosurf For Traffic programs, you are pretty much wasting your time. Worse, these programs violate Google's TOS, so if you have AdSense on your site, Google will cancel your account and keep any money you may have earned from "real" traffic.
Why would you want to do this?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
A much better investment of your time and efforts would be to get 30 days of One-on-One Internet Marketing Advice for just $3.27! That's not a typo! You can get a full MONTH of expert website consulting for the price of a cup of coffee!
To learn more CLICK HERE!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
How To Start A Home Based Business

With gasoline prices spiraling upward out of control, some people are finding it difficult to afford the gas to even get to work and back home again. A recent news story told of a highway service that helps stranded motorists needing to help the same guy every Friday because he couldn't quite make it from payday to payday.
That is really sad and it's probably going to get worse.
Wouldn't it be great to just thumb your nose at your expensive commute and work from home with your own Home Based Business? You're probably thinking, "Yeah, but I wouldn't even know where to start!"
Start here: ==> How To Start A Home Based Business
Written by Laurie Neumann, owner of Christian Home Business Connection, How To Start A Home Based Business gives you step by step guidelines in small doses that you can handle. The 3 month course costs just $10 per month, comes with a money-back guarantee, and you can drop out at any time if you feel this is not for you.
Learn from the personal experience of a Christian woman who walks the walk and talks the talk.
Click here for more information.
That is really sad and it's probably going to get worse.
Wouldn't it be great to just thumb your nose at your expensive commute and work from home with your own Home Based Business? You're probably thinking, "Yeah, but I wouldn't even know where to start!"
Start here: ==> How To Start A Home Based Business
Written by Laurie Neumann, owner of Christian Home Business Connection, How To Start A Home Based Business gives you step by step guidelines in small doses that you can handle. The 3 month course costs just $10 per month, comes with a money-back guarantee, and you can drop out at any time if you feel this is not for you.
Learn from the personal experience of a Christian woman who walks the walk and talks the talk.
Click here for more information.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: ChaCha
ChaCha is a service whereby people send a text message from their cell phones asking a question to a specific number (which I won't give you here but you can find easily enough if you want to) and they get back a text message supposedly within 3 minutes with the answer.
So if you asked "who was the first president of the United States" you would get back "George Washington" along with the web site where the person found the answer.
ChaCha "guides" do the research and get paid as independent contractors.
On the surface it sounds like a great deal for someone who is somewhat internet savvy, needs or wants flexible hours, and enjoys learning new information.
However, when I went to sign up, they said there was nothing suitable for me, and didn't tell me why. I fit the above criteria, have a high I.Q. and innate curiosity, so I thought I would be a good fit.
Oh, well. After doing further research, I think I can do better, and you can too. Read on.
In reading various work-at-home forums I found a few happy ChaCha "guides" and a lot of unhappy ones. The happy ones like the flexibility and have figured out how to get a lot of questions sent their way, so they make enough money to justify their time in their own minds.
The unhappy ones are really unhappy. Many of them were unceremoniously dumped by ChaCha and none of them seemed to know why - no reason was apparently given, and I guess ChaCha doesn't have to give them one. Some felt they were making w-a-y less than minimum wage, as in $2-3 per hour of research. Others felt that pranksters were taking up all their time, and the "powers that be" at ChaCha didn't believe them. Others felt that actual ChaCha employees did not take the concerns and experiences of the "guides" seriously. Some felt they needed to pull their pay out as soon as they reached their minimum balance because they were afraid ChaCha was going to go under at any time.
Not having any inside experience, I have no idea how realistic the complaints are. They could be dead on, and they could be disgruntled venting. From the volume and the agreement, I tend to lean toward believing the complaints are probably valid.
Should you sign up? As always, it's totally up to you. It might work out very well for you, But if it doesn't, dust off your feet and move on. If people are struggling to make minimum wage, and often making only a third of that, you do better elsewhere.
For genuine work at home opportunities click on the banner below.
So if you asked "who was the first president of the United States" you would get back "George Washington" along with the web site where the person found the answer.
ChaCha "guides" do the research and get paid as independent contractors.
On the surface it sounds like a great deal for someone who is somewhat internet savvy, needs or wants flexible hours, and enjoys learning new information.
However, when I went to sign up, they said there was nothing suitable for me, and didn't tell me why. I fit the above criteria, have a high I.Q. and innate curiosity, so I thought I would be a good fit.
Oh, well. After doing further research, I think I can do better, and you can too. Read on.
In reading various work-at-home forums I found a few happy ChaCha "guides" and a lot of unhappy ones. The happy ones like the flexibility and have figured out how to get a lot of questions sent their way, so they make enough money to justify their time in their own minds.
The unhappy ones are really unhappy. Many of them were unceremoniously dumped by ChaCha and none of them seemed to know why - no reason was apparently given, and I guess ChaCha doesn't have to give them one. Some felt they were making w-a-y less than minimum wage, as in $2-3 per hour of research. Others felt that pranksters were taking up all their time, and the "powers that be" at ChaCha didn't believe them. Others felt that actual ChaCha employees did not take the concerns and experiences of the "guides" seriously. Some felt they needed to pull their pay out as soon as they reached their minimum balance because they were afraid ChaCha was going to go under at any time.
Not having any inside experience, I have no idea how realistic the complaints are. They could be dead on, and they could be disgruntled venting. From the volume and the agreement, I tend to lean toward believing the complaints are probably valid.
Should you sign up? As always, it's totally up to you. It might work out very well for you, But if it doesn't, dust off your feet and move on. If people are struggling to make minimum wage, and often making only a third of that, you do better elsewhere.
For genuine work at home opportunities click on the banner below.

Thursday, April 17, 2008
Marketingtips.com Extreme Challenge
You may have heard about Derek Gehl's FREE "Build-a-Biz" video training series that's going to be released next week.
It seems that Derek was challenged by a frustrated blog reader to "put his money where his mouth is" and PROVE it's possible to build a niche website from scratch in ONE WEEK or less....
And Derek's agreed to do it!
Not only that -- he's going to videotape the whole process! These videos will be released over a 4-day period (April 21-24th) -- so you can use the strategies Derek's demonstrating to create your OWN money-making website in just a matter of days!
You can register for these free "hands-on" instructional videos NOW at Build A Biz Challenge.
According to Derek the videos will cover the following EXTREMELY POWERFUL principles
It seems that Derek was challenged by a frustrated blog reader to "put his money where his mouth is" and PROVE it's possible to build a niche website from scratch in ONE WEEK or less....
And Derek's agreed to do it!
Not only that -- he's going to videotape the whole process! These videos will be released over a 4-day period (April 21-24th) -- so you can use the strategies Derek's demonstrating to create your OWN money-making website in just a matter of days!
You can register for these free "hands-on" instructional videos NOW at Build A Biz Challenge.
According to Derek the videos will cover the following EXTREMELY POWERFUL principles
- DAY #1: Find your niche and a product to sell
- DAY #2: Write sales copy that gets people to BUY
- DAY #3: Build a website that WORKS!
- DAY #4: Start driving traffic with PPC and SEOAs
Derek uses these strategies to create his "built from scratch" website, he'll explain how YOU can make them work for your OWN website. So if you want to learn the steps you need to take to build your own money-making website in as little as ONE WEEK (or less!) Reserve your FREE "front-row seat" NOW at Build A Biz Challenge.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Mother's Day Special Offer From BizyMoms.com!
Mother's Day is less than a month away and BizyMoms is celebrating by offering $30 off the price of any Career Kit (except Kindersigns) ordered between now and Mother's Day. Just use the discount code "mom" when placing your order.
If you know a mom who would love to start her own home business but needs a little boost, what a great Mother's Day gift this would make!
Choose from Candy Wrapping, Cleaning Service, Crafting, Errand Service, Event Planner, Jewelry Store, Santa Letters, Tutoring, Virtual Assistant, or Welcome Service.
Each Career Kit comes with many extras including your own website, and comes with a money-back guarantee. Click on the link or the banner for more information.

If you know a mom who would love to start her own home business but needs a little boost, what a great Mother's Day gift this would make!
Choose from Candy Wrapping, Cleaning Service, Crafting, Errand Service, Event Planner, Jewelry Store, Santa Letters, Tutoring, Virtual Assistant, or Welcome Service.
Each Career Kit comes with many extras including your own website, and comes with a money-back guarantee. Click on the link or the banner for more information.

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Starting a Virtual Assistant Business

What the heck is a Virtual Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant does basic office work from home. This can include administrative duties, website design and maintenance, graphic design, data entry, phone, transcription, just about any type of work that a "boss" would need done from the office.'
The beauty of being a Virtual Assistant from home is the freedom to choose who you work for, what you do, and when.
So how do you find clients who need a Virtual Assistant? Once you get started, word of mouth through personal referrals is great. Also ads online (free or PPC), ads in the newspaper, Pennysaver, Craigslist, and posting in forums or free lance sites could bring results.
How do you choose clients? Most clients are going to want a particular set of skills, so you need to polish yours. Then, because you are no longer constrained to your former employer's line of work, what interests you?
If you are you interested in show business or archeology or some branch of medicine or art or whatever, look for people in those fields who need skills that you have! How exciting would it be to combine skills you worked hard to get, with a subject that fascinates you? Would that be cool or what!
If you would like more information, or would be interested in a kit to launch your new career, I highly recommend the BizyMoms ExpertVA Home Business Kit.

Friday, April 11, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review : My Power Mall
Is it really true that you HAVE to spend money every month with My Power Mall? The same My Power Mall that shouted from the rooftops that it would always be FREE???
It wasn't true when MPM first started up, but it is true now.
They tell you to just do your regular online shopping from stores in your own Mall to make money. In reality you need a substantial downline, and I think I read that your best income potential comes from shopping not from your own Mall but from your 3rd level down.
The money comes from rebates the stores provide. It is money they would have otherwise spent on advertising but as Mall owners and MPM in general are "spreading the word" so to speak, the stores are spending less on advertising, and so rebate the difference to MPM and then to you.
The business model was explained as if everyone spent something like $300 per month shopping on the internet.

It was even suggested that you buy toothpaste, that "other tp" and stuff like that instead of from your local discount store. Yeah, right.
Anyway, they send out tons and TONS of e-mails with shopping specials and suggest that you do the same to build your Mall downline. Between that and the sappy "happy all the time" Pollyanna life is wonderful and so is your Mall outlook (happy is good - positive is good - but enough is ENOUGH!) my own Mall just languishes.
I think the idea is a good one, but it is based on people spending more money than is happening. The people who joined for FREE (back when it WAS free) joined BECAUSE it was free. They don't have $300 per month to spend on the internet. They don't have ANYTHING to spend on the internet.
How is MPM doing as a business? I have no idea. I don't read the emails and haven't visited the site in months. My guess is it is like all other businesses. It works for some and not for others.
Will it work for you? If you have disposable income and would like more of it, and have friends or relatives in your boat who can join under you, then yes, it probably would work very well. If you are struggling to keep afloat, then MPM may not be the life raft for you.
If you are looking for a home-based JOB, rather than a home based BUSINESS, look no further than IGNOTIUS. Click on the image below to download a FREE demo cd and explore all the wonderful home job opportunities that await you!
It wasn't true when MPM first started up, but it is true now.
They tell you to just do your regular online shopping from stores in your own Mall to make money. In reality you need a substantial downline, and I think I read that your best income potential comes from shopping not from your own Mall but from your 3rd level down.
The money comes from rebates the stores provide. It is money they would have otherwise spent on advertising but as Mall owners and MPM in general are "spreading the word" so to speak, the stores are spending less on advertising, and so rebate the difference to MPM and then to you.
The business model was explained as if everyone spent something like $300 per month shopping on the internet.

It was even suggested that you buy toothpaste, that "other tp" and stuff like that instead of from your local discount store. Yeah, right.
Anyway, they send out tons and TONS of e-mails with shopping specials and suggest that you do the same to build your Mall downline. Between that and the sappy "happy all the time" Pollyanna life is wonderful and so is your Mall outlook (happy is good - positive is good - but enough is ENOUGH!) my own Mall just languishes.
I think the idea is a good one, but it is based on people spending more money than is happening. The people who joined for FREE (back when it WAS free) joined BECAUSE it was free. They don't have $300 per month to spend on the internet. They don't have ANYTHING to spend on the internet.
How is MPM doing as a business? I have no idea. I don't read the emails and haven't visited the site in months. My guess is it is like all other businesses. It works for some and not for others.
Will it work for you? If you have disposable income and would like more of it, and have friends or relatives in your boat who can join under you, then yes, it probably would work very well. If you are struggling to keep afloat, then MPM may not be the life raft for you.
If you are looking for a home-based JOB, rather than a home based BUSINESS, look no further than IGNOTIUS. Click on the image below to download a FREE demo cd and explore all the wonderful home job opportunities that await you!

Thursday, April 10, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: MyMommyBiz
Do a search for moms work from home on Google and you get 4,720,000 responses!
On the front page (at least when I looked) you will see MyMommyBiz. There you will find enough free information to keep you reading for a long time, and a very long list of original and unique e-books, each one on a different home business for you to start!
Check them out here!
On the front page (at least when I looked) you will see MyMommyBiz. There you will find enough free information to keep you reading for a long time, and a very long list of original and unique e-books, each one on a different home business for you to start!
Check them out here!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Becoming The Avon Lady
For a lot of us, the sound of a doorbell ringing triggers those words in the back of our minds, "Avon Calling . . . "
Stay at home moms of earlier generations, formerly known as "housewives" would open the door to a friendly neighbor with samples of all sorts of cosmetics in a wonderful array of colors and scents. Together the two women would go through the catalog checking to see if favorite items were on sale. The Avon Lady usually left at least one sample product.
You can still do that, you know. There are still product catalogs, and sales, and a lot more stuff in the catalogs than nail polish, lipstick, and Skin-So-Soft. The biggest difference is there are fewer stay at home moms as potential customers.
So what do you do? If you work outside the home, there are always your co-workers. If you have kids, try handing out catalogs at parent meetings, in the parking lot when you lick kids up, on the sideline at the soccer game, etc. If you go to church you could see if the ladies there are interested. If you sew or craft or quilt or scrapbook, all those people are potential customers.
This is one of those home based businesses where your success depends on many things including your personality, aptitude for sales, customer base, creativity, even location.
If on the other hand you really don't want to start a business, you just want a job you can do from home, may I suggest The Home Job Group.

Friday, April 4, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: That Great Offer In Your E-Mail Inbox
On several Work At Home forums you can find posts by members who received this or that "too good to be true" offer in their e-mail inbox and are asking whether or not it is legitimate.
The answer is an unqualified NO!
NO legitimate work from home opportunity or home-based bizopp needs to advertise by sending out spam.
One poor naive soul posted that the offer being questioned did not arrive in her spam folder. It was in her Yahoo inbox. Unfortunately that only means the spammers are better at sending stuff out that will get through the filters than the e-mail providers are at creating filters to stop the spam.
If you did not subscribe to that person's mailing list, it is spam.
If you get such an offer and are lazy or pressed for time, just delete it. If you want to you can open up the header, copy it, and paste it above the message body when you forward the spam to spam@uce.gov.
The answer is an unqualified NO!
NO legitimate work from home opportunity or home-based bizopp needs to advertise by sending out spam.
One poor naive soul posted that the offer being questioned did not arrive in her spam folder. It was in her Yahoo inbox. Unfortunately that only means the spammers are better at sending stuff out that will get through the filters than the e-mail providers are at creating filters to stop the spam.
If you did not subscribe to that person's mailing list, it is spam.
If you get such an offer and are lazy or pressed for time, just delete it. If you want to you can open up the header, copy it, and paste it above the message body when you forward the spam to spam@uce.gov.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Comparing "Data Entry" to "Envelope Stuffing"
Read the title and then read my lips: There is NO comparison!
I just read yet another article on a well established and well respected website about so-called data entry typing from home programs. This article basically equated data entry with envelope stuffing.
Huh? What in the world made anyone think the two concepts were anything alike? Has this author ever actually looked at either one?
"Envelope Stuffing" works like this: You answer an ad that tells you to send $5 for more info. You think, what the heck, I can afford $5, so you send it in. The answer comes back telling you to place ads like you answered, telling other people to send you $5 so you can tell them what the original ad placer told you. It is a genuine scam and illegal. Watch the Postal Inspectors make a bee-line to your door. I cannot for the life of me understand why Google shuts down accounts for legitimate online business owners (including ads for data entry) and yet continues to run envelope stuffing ads. Just boggles my mind.
Data entry typing from home offers are entirely different. First of all, they are NOT the mindless repetitive copying of info that some naive people think is going to make them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for a couple of hours a day of work. Anyone who thinks that will happen needs a serious reality check.
They are an opportunity for the program buyer to learn affiliate marketing. All of these programs are more or less the same concept. They show you where to find affiliate products to sell online, they give you hints as to which kinds of products sell better than others, and they walk you through the process of placing pay-per-click (ppc) ads on the search engines. They also tell you where you can place ads for free; fewer results, less effective, but doable.
Most of them use a bit too much hype, but they do involve typing or data entry, and you probably will be doing it at home. They also show you screen shots of the ad forms you place in the search engines, and screen shots of a Clickbank Daily Sales chart.
To be successful, you have to have some skill, some talent, some insight, and probably a bit of seed money. Does it work for everyone? Absolutely not. Can it work? You betcha.
Example. I have access to the back office of one program that runs a monthly contest and gives prizes to the people who sell the most products, which is why numbers are posted. Anyway, so far this month, one person has sold over 1100 of this product. Rounding down to 1100, that is $38,445. Projecting out to the end of the month, (1100 / 23 x 31) = almost 1500 sales = almost $52,000. For one month. Not a bad chunk of change, for only one of who-knows-how-many products this person markets.
Person #25 has sold about 100 which projects out to about $4700. Could you use an additional $4700 per month? I know I could!
I have no way of knowing, but would not be surprised if these people are using the methods outlined in the program to actually market the program. No doubt this is not the only product they are marketing with this method, either.
So you see it can be done because it is being done.
You won't make that kind of money stuffing envelopes.
Am I doing this? No, I'm not, because I'm not that good. But that does not make the whole concept a scam, or the people that offer these programs scammers. Some, frankly are less reputable than others, and that's most unfortunate. But the concept is valid. It is a legitimate method of affiliate marketing that works very well for some people.
So where did the bad reputations come from? Envelope stuffing has a bad reputation because it really is a scam and it deserves a bad reputation.
Data entry typing from home offers probably got their bad reputation partly from the aforementioned hype (people see what they wanna see rather than what is actually there) but mostly because a few affiliates marketed using spam, and their accounts were not cancelled. They more or less got away with spamming, but the programs they marketed that way got blacklisted by e-mail servers.
I just read yet another article on a well established and well respected website about so-called data entry typing from home programs. This article basically equated data entry with envelope stuffing.
Huh? What in the world made anyone think the two concepts were anything alike? Has this author ever actually looked at either one?
"Envelope Stuffing" works like this: You answer an ad that tells you to send $5 for more info. You think, what the heck, I can afford $5, so you send it in. The answer comes back telling you to place ads like you answered, telling other people to send you $5 so you can tell them what the original ad placer told you. It is a genuine scam and illegal. Watch the Postal Inspectors make a bee-line to your door. I cannot for the life of me understand why Google shuts down accounts for legitimate online business owners (including ads for data entry) and yet continues to run envelope stuffing ads. Just boggles my mind.
Data entry typing from home offers are entirely different. First of all, they are NOT the mindless repetitive copying of info that some naive people think is going to make them hundreds of thousands of dollars a year for a couple of hours a day of work. Anyone who thinks that will happen needs a serious reality check.
They are an opportunity for the program buyer to learn affiliate marketing. All of these programs are more or less the same concept. They show you where to find affiliate products to sell online, they give you hints as to which kinds of products sell better than others, and they walk you through the process of placing pay-per-click (ppc) ads on the search engines. They also tell you where you can place ads for free; fewer results, less effective, but doable.
Most of them use a bit too much hype, but they do involve typing or data entry, and you probably will be doing it at home. They also show you screen shots of the ad forms you place in the search engines, and screen shots of a Clickbank Daily Sales chart.
To be successful, you have to have some skill, some talent, some insight, and probably a bit of seed money. Does it work for everyone? Absolutely not. Can it work? You betcha.
Example. I have access to the back office of one program that runs a monthly contest and gives prizes to the people who sell the most products, which is why numbers are posted. Anyway, so far this month, one person has sold over 1100 of this product. Rounding down to 1100, that is $38,445. Projecting out to the end of the month, (1100 / 23 x 31) = almost 1500 sales = almost $52,000. For one month. Not a bad chunk of change, for only one of who-knows-how-many products this person markets.
Person #25 has sold about 100 which projects out to about $4700. Could you use an additional $4700 per month? I know I could!
I have no way of knowing, but would not be surprised if these people are using the methods outlined in the program to actually market the program. No doubt this is not the only product they are marketing with this method, either.
So you see it can be done because it is being done.
You won't make that kind of money stuffing envelopes.
Am I doing this? No, I'm not, because I'm not that good. But that does not make the whole concept a scam, or the people that offer these programs scammers. Some, frankly are less reputable than others, and that's most unfortunate. But the concept is valid. It is a legitimate method of affiliate marketing that works very well for some people.
So where did the bad reputations come from? Envelope stuffing has a bad reputation because it really is a scam and it deserves a bad reputation.
Data entry typing from home offers probably got their bad reputation partly from the aforementioned hype (people see what they wanna see rather than what is actually there) but mostly because a few affiliates marketed using spam, and their accounts were not cancelled. They more or less got away with spamming, but the programs they marketed that way got blacklisted by e-mail servers.
data entry,
envelope stuffing,
typing from home
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Home Based Work Can Be Hedge Against Unemployment
From real estate to schools to beauty salons, jobs are going away.
Fewer agents can sell homes because fewer buyers make enough money to buy. So not only are the agents not making a living, but the people in title search offices and escrow companies are hurting as well.
Here in California, thousands of jobs are being cut in the schools due to budget issues. This includes teachers, aids, nurses, and principals among others.
Something I had never thought of, but a manicurist told me the other day that people are removing their artificial nails because they cannot afford to maintain them. I guess if you have to buy gas at more than $3.50/gallon to drive to the unemployment office, you would put acrylic nails down at the bottom of your list, too. (I have NEVER had them but . . . . )
There are no doubt many more stories of people losing their jobs. This will bottom out and recover, but it hasn't yet. Until it does, you might want to start looking now for some sort of home based work, either your own home business or home employment.
It could be the best financial decision you'll make for a long time!
Fewer agents can sell homes because fewer buyers make enough money to buy. So not only are the agents not making a living, but the people in title search offices and escrow companies are hurting as well.
Here in California, thousands of jobs are being cut in the schools due to budget issues. This includes teachers, aids, nurses, and principals among others.
Something I had never thought of, but a manicurist told me the other day that people are removing their artificial nails because they cannot afford to maintain them. I guess if you have to buy gas at more than $3.50/gallon to drive to the unemployment office, you would put acrylic nails down at the bottom of your list, too. (I have NEVER had them but . . . . )
There are no doubt many more stories of people losing their jobs. This will bottom out and recover, but it hasn't yet. Until it does, you might want to start looking now for some sort of home based work, either your own home business or home employment.
It could be the best financial decision you'll make for a long time!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit
Back in November when I made this post about assembling crafts at home, The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit was not available. Even if it had been, The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit is what you should do INSTEAD OF the types of things I posted about in November if you are interested in making money by doing crafts at home.
The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit is designed to help you take your own original craft items and sell them to people who prefer to buy hand-made items instead of mass-produced ones. These would be the types of items you would find at your local craft fairs such as:
Stained Glass
Colorful Scrubs
Scented Candles
Handmade Clocks
Specialty Pillows
Children’s Clothes
Custom Wedding Gowns
Knitting and Crochet Items
Stuffed Animals
Covered Photo Albums
Handmade Bridal Accessories
Etc. - you already know what you create!
If you have been to these fairs and would like to market what you make but don't know how to get started, or how to expand your business, The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit just might be for you.
Remember, this is not for someone who wants to mindlessly piece together machine-produced parts. This is for someone willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard at producing one-of-a kind creations, and sell them.
If you think this might be you - if you have something you have created that brings joy to others, check out The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit .
The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit is designed to help you take your own original craft items and sell them to people who prefer to buy hand-made items instead of mass-produced ones. These would be the types of items you would find at your local craft fairs such as:
Stained Glass
Colorful Scrubs
Scented Candles
Handmade Clocks
Specialty Pillows
Children’s Clothes
Custom Wedding Gowns
Knitting and Crochet Items
Stuffed Animals
Covered Photo Albums
Handmade Bridal Accessories
Etc. - you already know what you create!
If you have been to these fairs and would like to market what you make but don't know how to get started, or how to expand your business, The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit just might be for you.
Remember, this is not for someone who wants to mindlessly piece together machine-produced parts. This is for someone willing to roll up their sleeves and work hard at producing one-of-a kind creations, and sell them.
If you think this might be you - if you have something you have created that brings joy to others, check out The Bizymoms Crafters Career Kit .
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: 2-up programs
2-up programs have been around for a few years, which might make you think they are OK. Think again. Most people need to run as far away as they can, as fast as they can.
Here is how they work.
There will be some kind of ad - TV, print, internet, phone, whatever. The pressure to join is relentless - they are skilled in making you think you are really blowing the opportunity of a lifetime if you don't sign up RIGHT NOW! That ought to be a big red warning flag right there. If the offer isn't as good tomorrow or next week as it is right now, it isn't any good at all.
Anyway, if your resistance folds and you sign up, you are frequently if not always into the program for $1000-$2000 up front. You get your money back by selling the opportunity to others. There is a product of some sort so they skate barely on the legal side of the Ponzi issue, but you make your money selling the opportunity to others.
Unfortunately there are just enough people who are able to make it work that the desperate wannabes are drawn like moths to a flame in the hopes of escaping their intolerable lives and living a better one.
The catch ~ and why the offers are called 2-ups ~ is that the commissions from your first 2 sales go to your upline sponsor! Most people who get involved in this type of thing are not natural-born sales people, have few if any sales skills, and have no chance whatsoever of convincing a total stranger that parting with $2000 hard-earned dollars is a good idea.
Therefore they turn to their "warm market" aka friends and family. Or should I say former friends and family. Before this comes to a pitiful end, the poor hopeful soul will have totally alienated everyone he or she knows, probably without making a sale. Not only that, but the upline sponsor is all over their case because they haven't produced any commissions and "what the heck is the matter with you anyway can't you try a little harder?"
In the end the once hopeful person is out $1000-$2000 and the laughing stock of the family - circle of friends.
Here is a list of just a few of these programs in alphabetical order:
Automatic Money Machine
Coastal Vacations
Easy Daily Cash
EDC Gold
Emerald Passport
Passport to Wealth
Perfect Wealth Formula
Road Map to Riches
Your New Fortune
They promise you the moon but leave you smelling like moldy cheese.
For home business opportunities that might just work for you, check out the links in the right hand column.
Here is how they work.
There will be some kind of ad - TV, print, internet, phone, whatever. The pressure to join is relentless - they are skilled in making you think you are really blowing the opportunity of a lifetime if you don't sign up RIGHT NOW! That ought to be a big red warning flag right there. If the offer isn't as good tomorrow or next week as it is right now, it isn't any good at all.
Anyway, if your resistance folds and you sign up, you are frequently if not always into the program for $1000-$2000 up front. You get your money back by selling the opportunity to others. There is a product of some sort so they skate barely on the legal side of the Ponzi issue, but you make your money selling the opportunity to others.
Unfortunately there are just enough people who are able to make it work that the desperate wannabes are drawn like moths to a flame in the hopes of escaping their intolerable lives and living a better one.
The catch ~ and why the offers are called 2-ups ~ is that the commissions from your first 2 sales go to your upline sponsor! Most people who get involved in this type of thing are not natural-born sales people, have few if any sales skills, and have no chance whatsoever of convincing a total stranger that parting with $2000 hard-earned dollars is a good idea.
Therefore they turn to their "warm market" aka friends and family. Or should I say former friends and family. Before this comes to a pitiful end, the poor hopeful soul will have totally alienated everyone he or she knows, probably without making a sale. Not only that, but the upline sponsor is all over their case because they haven't produced any commissions and "what the heck is the matter with you anyway can't you try a little harder?"
In the end the once hopeful person is out $1000-$2000 and the laughing stock of the family - circle of friends.
Here is a list of just a few of these programs in alphabetical order:
Automatic Money Machine
Coastal Vacations
Easy Daily Cash
EDC Gold
Emerald Passport
Passport to Wealth
Perfect Wealth Formula
Road Map to Riches
Your New Fortune
They promise you the moon but leave you smelling like moldy cheese.
For home business opportunities that might just work for you, check out the links in the right hand column.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
When The Traditional Work Place Doesn't Work For You

I spent 33 years working for the same employer, and saw a lot of people come and go. Some were viewed a absolute assets - the "boy, if we only had a few more of those" types. Some were viewed as liabilities because, frankly, they were. They thought the world owed them a living and all they had to do for pay was show up and hang out.
But some didn't fit either category. There were a few people whose health - or the health of a family member - just kept getting in the way. These people were intelligent, capable, hard-working, loyal, and all those things you want in an employee. But they came to be thought of (usually not to their face) as "high maintenance." They became "a bother" because they always needed something - time off, to leave early, a schedule change, something. There were times when the air was just thick with impatience as management was forced again and again to deal with their neediness, and forced to pretend that it was OK when it wasn't.
No one wants to be treated this way. No one wants to be thought of this way. No one wants to be sick, and no one wants to be in the position of caring for a chronically sick family member. At the very least, the stress is not healthy for anyone involved.
But life happens.
It has made me realize just how many people would be better off working from home. Depending on what type of work they did, they could sit or stand as much or as little as necessary. They could move around and change positions if that was what they needed to do. They could - again depending on they type of work they did - be interrupted as necessary and it would be OK.
They could work in short spurts - odd hours - frequent breaks - whatever. Perhaps they could even work on a laptop in a doctor's office waiting room!
They could work long hours one day and no hours the next, if that is what needed to happen. They could work 45 minutes and rest for 15 if that is what needed to happen.
The point is, there are countless ways to work from home - either as an employee, an independent contractor, an freelancer, or a home business owner.
If working in the traditional workplace is not working for you, look seriously into the ways you can work from home.
Check out my 2 sites below. There you will find many opportunities that fit into one of the above mentioned categories. To the best of my knowledge, there are NO scams. All require work and ability on your part, but can be done. Check them out and see if one is for you!
123 I From Home 4 Me
123 Home Based Business Works For Me
But some didn't fit either category. There were a few people whose health - or the health of a family member - just kept getting in the way. These people were intelligent, capable, hard-working, loyal, and all those things you want in an employee. But they came to be thought of (usually not to their face) as "high maintenance." They became "a bother" because they always needed something - time off, to leave early, a schedule change, something. There were times when the air was just thick with impatience as management was forced again and again to deal with their neediness, and forced to pretend that it was OK when it wasn't.
No one wants to be treated this way. No one wants to be thought of this way. No one wants to be sick, and no one wants to be in the position of caring for a chronically sick family member. At the very least, the stress is not healthy for anyone involved.
But life happens.
It has made me realize just how many people would be better off working from home. Depending on what type of work they did, they could sit or stand as much or as little as necessary. They could move around and change positions if that was what they needed to do. They could - again depending on they type of work they did - be interrupted as necessary and it would be OK.
They could work in short spurts - odd hours - frequent breaks - whatever. Perhaps they could even work on a laptop in a doctor's office waiting room!
They could work long hours one day and no hours the next, if that is what needed to happen. They could work 45 minutes and rest for 15 if that is what needed to happen.
The point is, there are countless ways to work from home - either as an employee, an independent contractor, an freelancer, or a home business owner.
If working in the traditional workplace is not working for you, look seriously into the ways you can work from home.
Check out my 2 sites below. There you will find many opportunities that fit into one of the above mentioned categories. To the best of my knowledge, there are NO scams. All require work and ability on your part, but can be done. Check them out and see if one is for you!
123 I From Home 4 Me
123 Home Based Business Works For Me
Friday, February 22, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Bookkeeping From Home

She had at one time worked in an office as a bookkeeper, so she knew what to do and how to do it. She was also able to obtain references from her boss and from clients when she left the workplace to strike out on her own.
If you have experience, working from home as a bookkeeper can provide you with a nice income, complete control over who you work for and with, and great flexibility with your work hours. This would be a great home business for that Work At Home Mom with a head for numbers and organization.
There are many small businesses, not necessarily home based, who need someone very part time to keep their books. For more information on how to find these potential clients, convince them that you are just what they need, and other vital information you will need to start your Home Based Bookkeeping Business, click on the link below.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: "Welcome Service" from Bizymoms

"Are you on the look out for a home based business idea? Would you be interested in a Welcome Service business? A welcome service is a community venture where you personally welcome new residents and provide them valuable information regarding the neighborhood. In this profession your services need not be limited to new residents alone, you can also cater to newly married couples, new babies or students in your neighborhood.
While providing you with immense satisfaction of owning your own business, this also allows you to give back something to the community you love. In addition, you would be conducting your business from the comfort of your own home, which in turn allows you to spend more time with your family. If you are an outgoing person who loves to meet and acquaint yourself with new people, this would be ideal for you.
Being a newcomer in the community can be hard and intimidating for anyone. Finding out the location of grocery stores, utility companies or even a place to hangout at, can be overwhelming. Any newcomer will want to fit in as soon as possible. Your service would be a welcomed assistance for them in familiarizing themselves with the community.
You would be providing your new neighbors with a free “Newcomer Welcome Bag” which contains useful information such as the location of shops and utility companies, tourist attractions, upcoming events, etc along with ads of the local businesses, coupons, gift certificates and freebies.
As stated at the beginning, your services need not be curtailed only to new residents. For example, for newly married couples you can provide information such as locations of furniture shops, electrical item shops, etc, for families with new babies’ information regarding baby shops, toy stores, hospitals and clinics, etc can be provided.
After deciding on your target audience, the next step in this business is to find your sponsors. You would be paid by the businesses in your area for delivering their advertisements to the local community. Since you are offering inexpensive and personalized marketing to the targeted audience, many businesses would grab this opportunity. Your sponsors could range from grocery stores, clothing shops, salons, barber shops to sports centers and movie theaters. Once the business owner is willing to sponsor your newcomer welcome bag, you can sign up a contract with him/her for a particular period of time. A contract is extremely beneficial in protecting your interests as well as your sponsors.
A competitive price should be fixed for your services before you offer it to the local business community. Since you would be creating the welcome bag and printing the advertisements for your sponsors, it is important to incorporate these costs into your price. Also you should consider elements such as the amount of effort and time you put in, traveling costs involved, the competitive advertising rates, cost of supplies, etc. as well.
Designing your welcome bag is fun and exciting. You can decide what type of bag to create and also what colors and styles to use for it. But you should always remember that the main focus should be on the ads in the bag. In addition, you should create within your budget. Your welcome bag would be the main marketing tool of your business. In addition to the welcome bag, you should also utilize flyers, posters, business cards, marketing letters, etc. to attract sponsors.
The Welcome Service Venture is a great home based business, which not only benefits you but also your community.
Bizymoms’ Welcome Service Home Business Kit is the easy way to start a business! Check it out today and start your welcome service for only $69! "
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: SFI Part 2 - Veriuni Health and Wellness Products

Back on October 26, 2007, I posted Part 1 of the SFI Home-Biz-Opp BizOpp Review. I discussed the opportunity to market the Veriuni All Purpose Cleaner, the best all-purpose cleaner money can buy, IMHO.
Today I am going to discuss the Veriuni line of nutritional health and wellness products marketed through SFI.
It has often been said that the best home business to start is one about which you are both passionate and knowledgeable. Also, the best advisory sources say, don't find a product and then try to sell it; find a need and meet it.
Do you or a loved one have food allergies or intolerances? Do you or a loved one have other health conditions that make it beneficial to take an easily absorbed nutritional supplement?
If your answer to any of these questions is "YES" then becoming an SFI Affiliate may just be the opportunity for you to make some money with your own home business, and provide a wonderful product that will benefit many others. You truly would be helping yourself by helping others. It doesn't get much better than that.
First of all joining SFI is absolutely FREE. You are invited to look around as long as you like. You can make a purchase for resale, and recoup your purchase price. Or you can have people buy directly from your SFI-provided website, without spending a penny from your own pocket.
Perhaps the best marketing technique might be to purchase the products for your personal use, and then recommend them from your own experience. There is nothing like a personal testimony to get people to try something new.
Let's face it. The Veriuni product line is suffering from a lack of recognition. Even though there are millions of SFI affiliates world-wide (not all of them active) that is a small drop in the bucket of the 6 Billion people in the world, most of whom have not heard of the Veriuni product line.
In the USA alone, there could be 7-10 million people with food allergies and/or intolerances. Many of these people are not properly absorbing the nutrients from the food they eat, and their health suffers even more because if it.
If your digestive system is not absorbing enough to keep you healthy, it is to your advantage to make it as easy on your digestive system by providing it with Veriuni Advanced Liquid Nutrition. "You are what you eat" because of what you absorb from what you eat. If you are not absorbing what your body need to maintain optimum health, your health suffers, and so do you.
So in conclusion, marketing the Veriuni line of nutritional supplements by becoming an affiliate of SFI could be a very lucrative home based business for someone interested in natural products and personal health and wellness.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: Tutoring

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over 5.4 million moms have put their careers on hold to stay home and raise their families. I would not be surprised to find that a sizable portion of those moms had been teachers, trained to be teachers but started a family before actually entering the field, or had acquired a skill that others want or need to know.
When my daughter was in high school, there was a mom who made some nice money thankyouverymuch, by tutoring students in math. There was a need and she had the knowledge and skills to meet that need.
Tutoring is definitely a legitimate home based business that can be done by moms - or dads - who have the knowledge and ability to teach, have decided to stay home to raise a family, but need some extra income. It lends itself to great flexibility because it can be done at home, in the student's home, or online. Tutors can select hours of availability, and hours that are off limits. Tutors can choose to teach either adults or children of all ages in small groups or one-on-one.
Any subject taught in school can be tutored. Also, if you were an outstanding athlete in your high school or college days, there are some really competitive parents willing to pay good money for you to teach your skill to their kid. Trust me on that one.
Don't forget music and the arts. Many schools do not offer the level of instruction they once did, but parents still want their kids to be able to play an instrument, sing, draw, sculpt or at least appreciate the abilities of those who can. :)
If this post has made you realize that this could be for you or someone you know click here then scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the TutorMonster banner.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Home-Biz-Help Boz-Opp Review: Survey Savvy

Back on October 14, 2007, I posted a Biz-Opp Review on taking online surveys. If you read that post you will see that I didn't have the best of experiences. >:(
However there is one company I have found whose record and "behavior" has been impeccable, and that company is Survey Savvy. When you sign up you are given the opportunity to complete several questionnaires that will establish a profile about you. Once you have done that, you are only sent surveys that are potential fits for your profile. You are never sent "junk" surveys that are really trolling for your contact info to sell to marketers.
As with other types of online survey companies, you are not going to rich from this, but there are 4 ways to make money from Survey Savvy.
- You make money when you qualify for and complete surveys.
- You get paid for every survey every person you refer qualifies for and completes.
- You get paid for every survey each of their referrals qualifies for and completes!
- If you don't qualify for the surveys you are sent, you are entered into monthly drawing, so you still might make some money!
I can honestly say I have never had a bad experience with Survey Savvy. Sign up and see for yourself why I highly recommend this one!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Is A Home Business Really For You?
When all the individual uniqueness of each business is stripped away, a business is still “the buying and selling (or providing) of goods or services,” and it really doesn’t matter whether the business is located in a home, or in a traditional brick and mortar store front.
If you are a business owner, you are the seller. You are a successful business owner when you convince others to become your customers and buy whatever product or service you are selling. You are even more successful when you convince them to become repeat customers and buy from you again. Repeat customers are worth their weight in gold!
It takes a certain personality type and temperament to be able to sell anything to another person. I have observed three levels of ability and temperament. The lowest level is not cut out for sales. Such a person would squirm just reading about it. The thought of trying to talk anyone into buying anything makes these people clam up and unable to get the job done at all. I think they hate being on the receiving end of sal;es pitches so much that they absolutely HATE the thought of making one! This person should not own a business unless they can hire or partner with someone else to sell the product or service.
The middle level is very good at selling to people who come to them for something, but not good at going out and initiating the sale. For instance, if a customer came into a store looking for a particular item, this middle-type person could not only show the customer what they came for, but also something else to go with it, all the while engaging in conversation. The customer leaves happy, the business owner is happy, and the middle-type person has done a great job. But that middle person would clam up just like the lowest level person if they had to go out and make sales calls, probably for the same reason. The difference here is the customer came to the business looking to buy - BIG difference.
The highest level person is able to go out and make calls, selling whatever he or she has to offer. This person is not afraid of rejection. This is the person who should own a home business.
So what can your home business offer? There are party-type businesses selling clothing, home decor items such as candles, toys, educational supplies, jewelry, etc. There are businesses offering character letters to kids, virtual assistant services, medical transcription, bookkeeping, proof reading, wedding planning, candy wrapping, catering, organizing, etc. Or how about yard service, day care, home and/or office cleaning, repair of almost anything, computer techie service, and on and on and on.
What do all of these have in common? The business owner has to not only sell the service or product, but sell themselves as the one the customer wants to choose to provide the service or product.
Easy if you’re cut out for it. Difficult to impossible if you’re not. And so we end where we began: Is A Home Business Really For You? Only you can answer that one.
Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003, and working from home since 2005. For more Work From Home information and home shoring opportunities, visit her sites at
123 I Work From Home 4 Me
123 Home-Based-Business-Works-4-Me
If you are a business owner, you are the seller. You are a successful business owner when you convince others to become your customers and buy whatever product or service you are selling. You are even more successful when you convince them to become repeat customers and buy from you again. Repeat customers are worth their weight in gold!
It takes a certain personality type and temperament to be able to sell anything to another person. I have observed three levels of ability and temperament. The lowest level is not cut out for sales. Such a person would squirm just reading about it. The thought of trying to talk anyone into buying anything makes these people clam up and unable to get the job done at all. I think they hate being on the receiving end of sal;es pitches so much that they absolutely HATE the thought of making one! This person should not own a business unless they can hire or partner with someone else to sell the product or service.
The middle level is very good at selling to people who come to them for something, but not good at going out and initiating the sale. For instance, if a customer came into a store looking for a particular item, this middle-type person could not only show the customer what they came for, but also something else to go with it, all the while engaging in conversation. The customer leaves happy, the business owner is happy, and the middle-type person has done a great job. But that middle person would clam up just like the lowest level person if they had to go out and make sales calls, probably for the same reason. The difference here is the customer came to the business looking to buy - BIG difference.
The highest level person is able to go out and make calls, selling whatever he or she has to offer. This person is not afraid of rejection. This is the person who should own a home business.
So what can your home business offer? There are party-type businesses selling clothing, home decor items such as candles, toys, educational supplies, jewelry, etc. There are businesses offering character letters to kids, virtual assistant services, medical transcription, bookkeeping, proof reading, wedding planning, candy wrapping, catering, organizing, etc. Or how about yard service, day care, home and/or office cleaning, repair of almost anything, computer techie service, and on and on and on.
What do all of these have in common? The business owner has to not only sell the service or product, but sell themselves as the one the customer wants to choose to provide the service or product.
Easy if you’re cut out for it. Difficult to impossible if you’re not. And so we end where we began: Is A Home Business Really For You? Only you can answer that one.
Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003, and working from home since 2005. For more Work From Home information and home shoring opportunities, visit her sites at
123 I Work From Home 4 Me
123 Home-Based-Business-Works-4-Me

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Jobs For Work At Home Moms

There are many reasons why mothers look for ways to work from home but they can be usually be summed up as necessity. Mothers want to be home to raise and nurture their children and need to contribute to the family income. Working from home is the ideal solution.
In the past, women often took in laundry and ironing. It wasn’t glamorous or exciting, but it paid the bills. Believe it or not, some still offer this service. It seems there are “business professionals” who have few domestic abilities and even less time, and are quite happy to pay someone else to do those things. This is definitely a win-win situation.
There is a new field of work called “home shoring” (as opposed to “off shoring”) that is very appealing to a lot of Work At Home Moms.
Probably all of us have at one time or another called a large corporation for customer assistance and found ourselves speaking to someone with a thick foreign accent that we had trouble understanding and who did not seem to understand us all that well, either. What many people haven’t realized is that person is in a call center on the other side of the planet, because wages “over there” are so low that it is cheaper for the corporation to maintain a foreign facility than to pay going domestic wages. This is called “off shoring” and has been common for years.
However, many businesses have discovered that their customers are taking their business elsewhere out of sheer frustration with the whole international call center process.
Enter the idea of “home shoring.” With high-speed internet connections, a good quality phone with headset, and a pleasant speaking voice, many moms are now doing from home what the international people were doing in the call centers.
This is also a win-win arrangement. Businesses hire people who can culturally identify with their customers, and have little to no overhead as their employees are working at home. This means no building, no utilities, no equipment, fewer supervisors, etc. Sometimes the “employees” are actually “independent contractors” responsible for their own taxes and insurance, further reducing expenses for the businesses. Maybe the best “win” of all is that jobs stay “home” instead of being shipped overseas, thereby reducing the unemployment rate instead of making it worse.
The moms have some flexibility in their schedules, although they must schedule work during times when the house is quiet. This is essential as businesses still demand a professional atmosphere for callers, and normal household noises (dogs, kids, doorbells, lawnmowers, etc.) don’t give a professional impression. The irregular work hours leave the mom free and available to tend to the needs of her children after school or when ill, and also provide a steady income for the family.
“Home shoring” is a trend that is likely to continue. The price of gasoline keeps going up, and working from home eliminates the commute. More and more moms are realizing the need to find a way to be there for their kids as well as contribute financially to the family. For many moms, “home shoring” is the ideal solution. Businesses, recognizing the value of utilizing a home-grown labor force, are increasingly tapping into this growing resource.
Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003, and working from home since 2005. For more Work From Home information and home shoring opportunities, visit her sites at
123 I Work From Home 4 Me
123 Home Based Business Works 4 Me
In the past, women often took in laundry and ironing. It wasn’t glamorous or exciting, but it paid the bills. Believe it or not, some still offer this service. It seems there are “business professionals” who have few domestic abilities and even less time, and are quite happy to pay someone else to do those things. This is definitely a win-win situation.
There is a new field of work called “home shoring” (as opposed to “off shoring”) that is very appealing to a lot of Work At Home Moms.
Probably all of us have at one time or another called a large corporation for customer assistance and found ourselves speaking to someone with a thick foreign accent that we had trouble understanding and who did not seem to understand us all that well, either. What many people haven’t realized is that person is in a call center on the other side of the planet, because wages “over there” are so low that it is cheaper for the corporation to maintain a foreign facility than to pay going domestic wages. This is called “off shoring” and has been common for years.
However, many businesses have discovered that their customers are taking their business elsewhere out of sheer frustration with the whole international call center process.
Enter the idea of “home shoring.” With high-speed internet connections, a good quality phone with headset, and a pleasant speaking voice, many moms are now doing from home what the international people were doing in the call centers.
This is also a win-win arrangement. Businesses hire people who can culturally identify with their customers, and have little to no overhead as their employees are working at home. This means no building, no utilities, no equipment, fewer supervisors, etc. Sometimes the “employees” are actually “independent contractors” responsible for their own taxes and insurance, further reducing expenses for the businesses. Maybe the best “win” of all is that jobs stay “home” instead of being shipped overseas, thereby reducing the unemployment rate instead of making it worse.
The moms have some flexibility in their schedules, although they must schedule work during times when the house is quiet. This is essential as businesses still demand a professional atmosphere for callers, and normal household noises (dogs, kids, doorbells, lawnmowers, etc.) don’t give a professional impression. The irregular work hours leave the mom free and available to tend to the needs of her children after school or when ill, and also provide a steady income for the family.
“Home shoring” is a trend that is likely to continue. The price of gasoline keeps going up, and working from home eliminates the commute. More and more moms are realizing the need to find a way to be there for their kids as well as contribute financially to the family. For many moms, “home shoring” is the ideal solution. Businesses, recognizing the value of utilizing a home-grown labor force, are increasingly tapping into this growing resource.
Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003, and working from home since 2005. For more Work From Home information and home shoring opportunities, visit her sites at
123 I Work From Home 4 Me
123 Home Based Business Works 4 Me
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