==> EDIT: In addition to the ethical problems discussed below, some people are reporting having difficulties receiving payment from the person claiming to own Cold Cash Partners. I no longer recommend that you sign up for Cold Cash Partners even as a way to access Virtual Training Solutions as they are apparently owned b y the same person/people. <==
Here is their offer, straight from their web site:
Learn how to process simple customer rebates from home and earn $15 each GUARANTEED!
They are not being straight forward with the offer. It is more than "processing simple rebates. " It is more like "typing at home with a twist."
What they tell you, quoted directly from the landing page: "I will show you how I make money simply by filling out online forms. For each form I attach a special ID link that is assigned just for me and submit it online. I then check my account for orders processed, I verify the information, fill out another form and submit, I get $15! Believe me those small payments add up real quick!"
What they DON'T tell you: First of all you will be placing ads, both free and paid, for affiliate programs you select from Clickbank. There is nothing wrong with doing that. Many people who have bought any of the programs that teach how to do that such as this one, this one, this one, this one, or any of the others, have discovered they really can make a lot of money online as an affiliate marketer.
Second, what Cold Cash Partners also does not tell you is the rebates you process are the rebates you yourself offer when you place your ads!
Say What? I have read and re-read the ad copy and there is NO WAY you could have figured that out before buying the product.
And guess what. NO REFUNDS!
To be fair, the idea is that you will get so many more sales from offering a rebate than you would have had you not offered the rebate, that your bottom line will grow. After all which ad would you buy from, the one offering a rebate or the one that did not offer a rebate?
Furthermore, when I bought the program to check it out, I felt like I had been "duped" and I was angry. No one likes to be deceived, and this program definitely has deceptive ad copy. To tell someone they will be "processing" rebates does not even hint that they will be "giving" rebates, or "making" rebates.
Not only that, but offering rebates on Clickbank products is a clear and flagrant violation of Clickbank's Terms of Service #6e which states:
“You agree to make no such promotions promising customers rebates, coupons, tickets, or vouchers in connection with their ClickBank purchase”.
Clickbank may suspend your account and hold your funds once they find you in violation. YIKES!
When you buy the program you are given total and unlimited access to a site called Virtual Training Solutions.
Check out what you have access to:
- Freelance America
- Rebate processing from home <== The one we've been discussing
- Secret Shoppers MSAA Certification
- Medical & Data Transcription Training/Resources
- eBay Wholesale and Surplus Sales Program
- Market Research and Focus Groups For Extra Cash
- Local 'Hand out FREE samples' jobs - work weekends / flex hours
- Get paid up to $2000 a month to Place Advertising on your late model car
- Prescreened Virtual Assistants program - over 100 companies need help now
- Paid to Read emails and view web based commercials over 200 companies listed
- Consumer Surveys and opinion polls that pay cash. Research/training/links to over 300 companies
There are literally hundreds if not thousands of very legitimate opportunities here. I have spent quite a bit of time the past few days checking these out. The variety and volume of legitimate (not deceptive but real honest-to-goodness) home job offers and ways to make money from home is almost overwhelming. Some are online. Some are offline.
All are available to you just because you signed up for Cold Cash Partners. Therefore, even though you won't get what you thought you were signing up for, you are definitely getting your money's worth and then some.
My advice is to sign up for Cold Cash Partners only as an access to Virtual Training Solutions. Do NOT make any attempt to work the Rebate Processor program.
Instead, help yourself to the bountiful offers awaiting you at Virtual Training Solutions. It will be well worth the investment.
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