If you are one of the millions who have been laid off or downsized out of your job, working from home looks really good to you right now! But how do you find a job you can work from home?
Consider freelancing.
When you freelance, you offer your services to those who need to hire your skills for a mutually agreed upon fee. Work is typically done on a per job basis, but can lead to repeat jobs and even permanent part time or full time employment. However, you need to keep in mind that when you bid on a job, there is no expectation of repeat jobs or assignments.
When you look for freelance work, look for jobs that require the skills you used at the job you just left, or skills you have acquired some other way. Some examples might include:
Computer Programmer
Consultant - literally subject about which you have knowledge
Desktop publishing
Graphic Designer
Language translator
Proofreading and editing
Transcription - medical or otherwise
Tutoring - literally subject about which you have knowledge
Virtual assistant
Web site design
If you want to work for local people, some of whom might be familiar with you and the quality of what you can do, consider advertising on Craigslist.
If you want to expand your horizons nationally or even globally visit sites like GoFreelance. Keep in mind that GoFreelance and other freelance sites may let you look at jobs for free, but if you want to bid on jobs, especially the quality jobs, there will be a fee. That's how they stay in business.
Don't let the fact that the world economy is currently in a recession keep you from looking for that home based job. Now more than ever employers are looking for just what you have to offer!
For other work at home ideas and home based business ideas, visit
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