Are you sure?
If you want to start a successful business, either home based or brick and mortar, look for a perceived or real need, or a want, and fill it.
People are always looking for new recipes, new ways to lose weight, new ways to make life easier, new ways to have fun, etc. Don't just look around - actually SEE what you are looking at! You should see needs - both perceived and real - absolutely everywhere. Better yet, there are wants associated with those needs.
Watch your neighbors, your co-workers, your friends. Do you see them frustrated or struggling with something? Something that you can do better than they can? Something they might be willing to not only pay for but recommend you to others?
For nearly every business idea you might think of, someone else is likely already offering some sort of similar service. In order for you to get your fair share of the market, you MUST do a better job, with complete, clean, friendly, on time service with a smile because that is what people WANT.
If you decide to make a product, do a quality job and deliver on time with a smile and maybe even something extra to thank them for their business.