From the keywords people use to find my website, it seems that a lot of people are looking for real "work from home jobs" rather than "home businesses."
If this is you, seriously consider signing up for the Ignotius Associates Program. Once you sign up you have access to a wide variety of employers who are looking to hire people to do assorted office work from home. There are also other ways that you can make money from home without actually starting a home-based business.
More and more employers are realizing that "offshoring" their customer service is not good for their own business image, is not good for the local economy, and is not good for the customers, who often wind up frustrated. Ignotius puts you in touch with companies who have elected to provide excellent customer service through "homeshoring" options.
Sign up today and see all the ways you can make money from home without starting a business!
As a bonus, if you sign up for the Ignotius Associates Program through THIS link, you are eligible for an EXCLUSIVE INSTANT REBATE!