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This is not a job or bizopp suitable for on-the-job training. If you are going to start a medical billing business from your home, you have to know what you are doing. You must be a stickler for details and obsess over accuracy. You cannot be prone to mistakes, because you are dealing with people's medical records. You must also have an appreciation for the need for privacy.
The person most suited to start this home business will have had the necessary schooling, and some experience working in an office doing the same kind of work. This person will be comfortable with medical terminology including anatomy, will know the proper codes for insurance company forms, and will know how to fill out the forms.
This person must also be a people person because they will be dealing with patients, doctors and insurance personnel.
Doctors in clinics and large practices usually have staff who take care of their medical billing, or else they use a professional firm. So whose business would you seek out? Look for small practices - one doctor offices. Look for chiropractors or optometrists or alternative medical practitioners. Present your credentials, let them know the experience you have, and that you are starting a home business because - insert your own personal reason here.
Stress the personalized service they will receive. You most likely won't be swamped with business right away, but it will come.
I know of someone with experience in the field who had to go out on her own because the company she had been with went out of business. She now has four doctors as clients and may soon pick up more. It can be done!
If you have the knowledge but would like to pick up experience, click on the image below. there you will find hundreds of jobs in the medical billing field as well as many others.