From information posted in various forums, it seems that what participants in Project Payday do is sign up for offers from credit card companies and others who pay the signer a certain dollar amount just for signing up. The company that is paying is doing so in hopes of gaining a new customer.
The Project Payday member has no intention of becoming a new customer: They just take the money and run - by immediately opting out as soon as they get the money.
In other words, instead of being scammed, Project Payday members are doing the scamming!
While some have posted that this sort of thing is just a cost of doing business, from a "Golden Rule" perspective, it certainly isn't ethical and I can't even believe it is legal!
It appears the lack of ethics flows both ways. Here is a link to a post by someone who thought she was doing everything according to the instructions she received, and instead would up with hundreds of dollars on her credit card without being paid anything.
Project Payday sounds like very bad news. My recommendation is to avoid Project Payday as if it were the bubonic plague!
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