If you are a business owner, you are the seller. You are a successful business owner when you convince others to become your customers and buy whatever product or service you are selling. You are even more successful when you convince them to become repeat customers and buy from you again. Repeat customers are worth their weight in gold!
It takes a certain personality type and temperament to be able to sell anything to another person. I have observed three levels of ability and temperament. The lowest level is not cut out for sales. Such a person would squirm just reading about it. The thought of trying to talk anyone into buying anything makes these people clam up and unable to get the job done at all. I think they hate being on the receiving end of sal;es pitches so much that they absolutely HATE the thought of making one! This person should not own a business unless they can hire or partner with someone else to sell the product or service.
The middle level is very good at selling to people who come to them for something, but not good at going out and initiating the sale. For instance, if a customer came into a store looking for a particular item, this middle-type person could not only show the customer what they came for, but also something else to go with it, all the while engaging in conversation. The customer leaves happy, the business owner is happy, and the middle-type person has done a great job. But that middle person would clam up just like the lowest level person if they had to go out and make sales calls, probably for the same reason. The difference here is the customer came to the business looking to buy - BIG difference.
The highest level person is able to go out and make calls, selling whatever he or she has to offer. This person is not afraid of rejection. This is the person who should own a home business.
So what can your home business offer? There are party-type businesses selling clothing, home decor items such as candles, toys, educational supplies, jewelry, etc. There are businesses offering character letters to kids, virtual assistant services, medical transcription, bookkeeping, proof reading, wedding planning, candy wrapping, catering, organizing, etc. Or how about yard service, day care, home and/or office cleaning, repair of almost anything, computer techie service, and on and on and on.
What do all of these have in common? The business owner has to not only sell the service or product, but sell themselves as the one the customer wants to choose to provide the service or product.
Easy if you’re cut out for it. Difficult to impossible if you’re not. And so we end where we began: Is A Home Business Really For You? Only you can answer that one.
Sandi Moses has been involved in internet marketing since November, 2003, and working from home since 2005. For more Work From Home information and home shoring opportunities, visit her sites at
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