However, remember that the only place "success" comes before "work" is in the dictionary. As I wander around the internet reading the testimonies of the very successful, one thing has really stood out. They virtually never work less than a 40 hour week. Often it is more like 50-60 hours per week.
So why is this better than your current 40 hour week at your drudgery job? Because these people are doing what they love to do. They are their own boss. They do things their own way. They are free to go pick up a sick kid from school as necessary. They are free to meet an out-of-town friend or relative for lunch and not have to rush back to work. They can take the afternoon off to smell the roses.
Sometimes of deceptive sales landing pages you read of someone claiming that a typical day for them goes something like, "Ho-hum, wake up when I feel like it, drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper and checking how my stocks did, answer a few e-mails, spend a few minutes writing this or that, and I'm done for the day." Don't believe it. Either this person is lying, or isn't as successful as they would like you to think.
No matter what business you have, if your don't invest yourself in it, you won't get anything out if it.

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