(How To Cash In While The Market Is Still Hot!)
A recent hiring trend report for February, 2009, from Elance.com noted that article writing is one of the top 5 skills businesses are outsourcing to freelancers. This is not surprising information coming from Elance as Elance caters mostly to online businesses. Think about it. The internet consists of images and WORDS. The choice of words and how they are used is crucially important.
Believe me, most Internet marketers have neither the skill nor the time to write. That means a lucrative opportunity for people like you with some writing skills.
In addition to article writing, there are other in-demand skills for online ghostwriting, such as copywriting, blogs, press releases, email marketing, white papers and more. The market is wide open for you! There are many opportunities to specialize and actually charge MORE for your services.
If you’ve been thinking of breaking into ghostwriting and doing it quickly, I recommend this Ghostwriter Starter Kit. It will show you:
- How to market your services without spending on advertising
- Where to find clients with deep pockets
- Why and how to put up a professional website
- Which industries are virtual gold mines for ghostwriters
- How much to charge to actually make profit
- How to set yourself apart from your competition
- How to develop your portfolio especially when you haven’t had a single client yet
…and more!
To have a successful ghostwriting business, you need the right tools and strategies - the same ones successful entrepreneurs use. This Ghostwriter Starter Kit gives you the inspirational stories of two successful ghostwriters who earn a full-time income writing from home and includes some great tips on how they do it!
The best part is, because this guide is written for Moms, the price is just right. In fact, you’ll easily earn back the cost of this guide with your first writing assignment.
Check it out for yourself. Ghostwriter Starter Kit
Also check out the Just Add Sweat Home Business Ideas for Women for more great home businesses!
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