So just what is a Virtual Assistant? In a nutshell, a Virtual Assistant is someone who assists someone else through cyberspace. Almost any type of office work that does not actually require your physical presence in the office can be done as a Virtual Assistant.
This would include phones, appointment setting, document preparation, transcription, proof-reading, etc. The only thing you couldn't do is make the coffee for the boss!
If you have general office and computer skills, this might be the work at home opportunity for you. You decide who you want to work for and when. Schedules are usually quite flexible and you normally do not need to keep regular office hours, as long as the work gets done by the deadline. Just match your skills with their needs
Here are some sources of information to get you started and set up. Yes they come at a cost because the people who put these packages together work at home, too, and are asking for compensation for the effort put into what you get.
Prices vary widely. Some come with just an e-book while others offer support, and web site and more.
GoFreelance is a place to find work. Virtually all freelance sites charge a membership fee for access to all offers - especially the best ones, so don't be put off by that
Have a look around, and enjoy your Virtual Assistant career!
Just Add Sweat Virtual Assistant Starter Kit
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