Saturday, July 19, 2008

Planning For Your Successful Home Based Business

Plan for your home based business to be successful, and fully expect your home based business to be successful, but don’t expect it immediately. Depending on what type of business you are starting, success may take months or even a few years. As has been said, "Don’t quit your day job" until you can support yourself reliably with your home business.

To put this another way, assume your new home business will be a successful one, and then make plans to assure that success. As has been said, "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail."

Yikes! Don't let that happen to you!

The United States Small Business Administration has many resources available to you for absolutely free to get your home business off to a good start. In fact there are pages and pages and pages of valuable, essential information to help you formulate your business plans.

One of the greatest advantages of a home based business over a brick and mortar business is the cost of overhead. In a traditional brick and mortar business, you either buy or rent space, and then add utilities, insurance, furniture, inventory, and whatever else. That cost alone has done in more than one small business. When you work out of your home, you have none of those expenses above and beyond what you are paying in your home, anyway. There will be a financial investment that you will have to make, but it pales in comparison to starting a traditional brick and mortar business. Financial success may take months or even years, depending on what type of business you are starting. Being aware of that and planning on it not only will enable you to "ride it out" but will help you avoid discouragement.

In addition to financial planning, you need to plan what you will actually do on a typical day. If you are starting an internet business, will you write? Will you network? Will you research? Will you maintain your website?

If you are starting a home business dealing with either a product or a service, plan how to attract and even more importantly keep customers. Plan your advertising strategy.

Refer often to that
SBA website. It will help you get your business off to a great start!

Start your Home Business Today!

Work Is A Four Letter Word

Any business, home based or brick and mortar, is a lot of work. Be prepared, at least at first, to work longer and harder in your home based business than you do in your job. Once your home business is established, you will be able set the hours you choose to work. Often, you can choose the location as well. While the beach on a south sea isle may be a bit far fetched, you are not limited to your office. Take your laptop and go somewhere enjoyable.

However, remember that the only place "success" comes before "work" is in the dictionary. As I wander around the internet reading the testimonies of the very successful, one thing has really stood out. They virtually never work less than a 40 hour week. Often it is more like 50-60 hours per week.

So why is this better than your current 40 hour week at your drudgery job? Because these people are doing what they love to do. They are their own boss. They do things their own way. They are free to go pick up a sick kid from school as necessary. They are free to meet an out-of-town friend or relative for lunch and not have to rush back to work. They can take the afternoon off to smell the roses.

Sometimes of deceptive sales landing pages you read of someone claiming that a typical day for them goes something like, "Ho-hum, wake up when I feel like it, drink a cup of coffee while reading the newspaper and checking how my stocks did, answer a few e-mails, spend a few minutes writing this or that, and I'm done for the day." Don't believe it. Either this person is lying, or isn't as successful as they would like you to think.

No matter what business you have, if your don't invest yourself in it, you won't get anything out if it.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Home-Biz-Help BizOpp Review: SFI - Part 4

Somewhere between 45-50 MILLION people do not have health coverage in the USA.

Some of them, often referred to as the "working poor" cannot get health insurance through their employers because it isn't offered. Many "mom and pop" and other small businesses cannot afford to offer health insurance and still stay in business. These employees make too much money to qualify for public assistance, but do not make enough money to buy their own health insurance, which can cost hundreds of dollars per month. One site I looked at showed a national average monthly cost per family of nearly $500! While some states were less, one state was over 3 times that much!

So they pray a lot that no one gets sick or injured.

Other people have been turned down by health insurance companies because of "pre-existing conditions" which can be just about anything that is ongoing (diabetes, blood pressure, etc) or anything for which the person has received recent treatment, including pregnancy.

So why am I bringing this up in a discussion about SFI? SFI now offers membership in the International Association of Businesses (
IAB) which offers health care benefits and medical discounts.

EVERYONE is accepted. There are no physicals to take and there is no qualifying.

You CANNOT be turned down or rejected.

Better than that, the cost starts at only $83.90 per month for the entire family, no matter how many members, no matter how old, no matter the health.

Upgrades are available, but the cost of the highest upgrade is still w-a-y less than the cost cited above and includes many benefits besides medical.

Now you do need to understand a few things.


1.This plan is not a health insurance policy.
2.This plan provides discounts at certain health care providers for medical services.
3.This plan does not make payments directly to the providers of medical services.
4.As a plan member, you are obligated to pay for all health care services but will receive a discount from those health care providers who have contracted, directly or indirectly, with IAB.

So if you cannot afford, or cannot even get health benefits, I strongly recommend that you sign up with SFI (free) and then join the

You don't have to join SFI to join IAB, but why wouldn't you? If you are part of that 45-50 million people who don't have insurance, chances are you know others who don't have it either. Share your knowledge with them. Sign them up through your link and it becomes one of those wonderful win-win situations. You help someone out and make some money in the process.

It doesn't get much better than that!

Click Here For More Information!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Home-Biz-Help Bizopp Review: Medical Billing

With more and more people looking to work from home or start a home based business, the topic of medical billing comes up frequently.

Search engines have literally millions of choices for schools or jobs, and warnings about the schools and jobs the other sites are offering. Proceed with caution.

This is not a job or bizopp suitable for on-the-job training. If you are going to start a medical billing business from your home, you have to know what you are doing. You must be a stickler for details and obsess over accuracy. You cannot be prone to mistakes, because you are dealing with people's medical records. You must also have an appreciation for the need for privacy.

The person most suited to start this home business will have had the necessary schooling, and some experience working in an office doing the same kind of work. This person will be comfortable with medical terminology including anatomy, will know the proper codes for insurance company forms, and will know how to fill out the forms.

This person must also be a people person because they will be dealing with patients, doctors and insurance personnel.

Doctors in clinics and large practices usually have staff who take care of their medical billing, or else they use a professional firm. So whose business would you seek out? Look for small practices - one doctor offices. Look for chiropractors or optometrists or alternative medical practitioners. Present your credentials, let them know the experience you have, and that you are starting a home business because - insert your own personal reason here.

Stress the personalized service they will receive. You most likely won't be swamped with business right away, but it will come.

I know of someone with experience in the field who had to go out on her own because the company she had been with went out of business. She now has four doctors as clients and may soon pick up more. It can be done!

If you have the knowledge but would like to pick up experience, click on the image below. there you will find hundreds of jobs in the medical billing field as well as many others.