It comes in almost infinite varieties, but when you strip away all of the details, you are left with the basics, which never change.
Someone offers to send you a check, usually for way more than fair compensation for what ever goods or services you have contracted to provide. They have some cock-and-bull story as to why but always always always you are to deposit the check and send them the difference.
The check is never good, and you are on the hook for the entire bogus amount. Because this does not get discovered until you have already sent off the check to these perpetrators, you are responsible for reimbursing your bank for the entire amount. You may also be subject to criminal charges for money laundering.
Yup. You are the victim and you are charged as a criminal.
These "offers" turn up on Craigslist, as mystery shopping jobs, as used vehicle purchasers, as almost anything.
Please do not fall for this scam. If you have received such an offer, show it to your bank manager. Perhaps they can work with the FBI and set up a sting operation to catch the perpetrator. I have heard of it happening.
Other that that,
Under no circumstances, for any reason, cash one of these
If you do, as I said above, you are responsible and liable to pay back to money to the bank.
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