Sunday, October 7, 2007

There Is No Free Lunch - But You CAN Get A VERY Inexpensive Sample!

Thousands of times every month people go to search engines and look for ways to work from home at no cost to themselves. They type in a wide variety of search terms and then browse what comes up.

You might be tempted to lump them all into the "what can I get for nothing" or "the world owes me a living" crowd.

You might be wrong.

Maybe they really don't have the money to get started. Many online programs do have a $30-$50 cost. Even if it is one time only, that still may be too much.

Definitely they are wary of getting scammed, and they should be.

I doubt they will be able to find any home-based online work for no cost. The couple of sites I have encountered have waiting lists from months to years long! YIKES! W-A-Y too long!

Let me make an affordable suggestion. There is a site called Go-Freelance that has a very nice, very inexpensive trial offer. You can explore their entire site of freelance home-based work for only $2.95.

If you don't see anything you are qualified to do, and you don't think an offer will come in that you will be qualified to do, cancel before your trial period is up, and there will be no more expenses to you. You can even keep the free newsletter subscription!

Considering that $2.95 will buy you one bag of potato chips or one cup of premium ice cream, you can put that $2.95 to a much better use!

Start your work-at-home career today. Get direct access to hundreds of freelance and home-based jobs. Click here to find work now!

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